Voluntarily registered for firework safety

Michael Coker (Portfolio holder for the environment) hands certificates to members of organisations that have registered for Warwick District Council's Voluntary Bonfire Registration scheme, which promotes safety at fireworks displays, during a ceremony held at Riverside House on Friday morning. Also pictured are Richard Hall (Head of Environmental Health) and Salesh Farda (Senior Health and Safety Inspector).   
MHLC-25-10-13 Bonfire Registration Oct81Michael Coker (Portfolio holder for the environment) hands certificates to members of organisations that have registered for Warwick District Council's Voluntary Bonfire Registration scheme, which promotes safety at fireworks displays, during a ceremony held at Riverside House on Friday morning. Also pictured are Richard Hall (Head of Environmental Health) and Salesh Farda (Senior Health and Safety Inspector).   
MHLC-25-10-13 Bonfire Registration Oct81
Michael Coker (Portfolio holder for the environment) hands certificates to members of organisations that have registered for Warwick District Council's Voluntary Bonfire Registration scheme, which promotes safety at fireworks displays, during a ceremony held at Riverside House on Friday morning. Also pictured are Richard Hall (Head of Environmental Health) and Salesh Farda (Senior Health and Safety Inspector). MHLC-25-10-13 Bonfire Registration Oct81
Certificates have been presented to the organisers of fireworks displays who registered for a voluntary scheme to promote safety at the events.

Representatives from clubs, businesses and organisations attended the presentation as part of Warwick District Council’s Voluntary Bonfire Registration Scheme at the council’s headquarters at Riverside House last Friday. The registered events are listed on www.warwickdc.gov.uk under health and safety.