We will fight it to the death

Recent correspondence detailing opposition to further development on St Mary’s Lands was most welcome and is not the first time that local people have opposed Jockey Club proposals for the course.

There has been extensive ‘creeping development’ over there for some years including the golf course, all of which is on common land belonging to Warwick people

The Jockey Club needs to be reminded in no uncertain terms that the racecourse is situated on St Mary’s Lands and it is not the other way round. Regrettably some of Warwick’s councillors need to be reminded of this as well.

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The racecourse is rented from WDC at what is little more than a peppercorn rent and it behoves the Jockey Club ill to attempt flexing their muscles with expansion proposals, blackmailing the public with claims of closing down if they are not accepted.

If such is the final scenario so be it, for Warwick people have had enough of this Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads for many past years.

I write as a born and bred Warwick person and I know the affinity with which St Mary’s Lands are held in the heart of all Warwick people and there is no question of any further development commercially on this sacred turf.

We shall fight to the death to oppose any such action and to retain our heritage in this struggle for St Mary’s Lands, Lammas Fields and to use the most popular title - the Common. We shall not be moved.

Mick Cole, The Square, Kenilworth