It’s a coffee shop not an office!

Doesn’t anybody have what we used to call an “office” any more, because how is it that nearly every time I go into one of the major coffee emporiums I find myself surrounded either by young business people tapping away on their lap-tops and tablets, or even worse conducting job interviews or sales presentations, or even discussing a particular employee’s business targets and all very often quite loudly too?

When I go into Starbucks, or Costa Coffee or Caffe Nero et al I want to relax with a coffee and read my paper or do a crossword, and although admittedly I am biased in that my own working days are long over, thank goodness, I don’t go there to hear about Kevin’s job application to stack shelves at Sainsburys, or whether Tracy has achieved this month’s sales target in chocolate muffins or indeed the outstanding merits of the latest American dwile-flonking unit!

So come on, guys and gals, if you don’t actually have one of those old-fashioned ‘office thingys’, please go and conduct your business at home, either yours or somebody else’s.

John Payton, Kettlewell Close, Woodloes Park, Warwick