Slideshow: pictures from Ufton and Kingsley School’s pancake races

Ufton Pancake RaceUfton Pancake Race
Ufton Pancake Race
It wasn’t just the kitchens that were full of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday - the streets and playgrounds were also brimming with batter too.

At the annual Ufton Pancake Race, the Wright brothers came first and second in the children’s race, with Michael van Kesteren coming third. Rob Ainscow outran the vicar the Rev John Armstrong in the adults’ race.

Teams made up of pupils from Kingsley School’s four houses competed in a pancake relay race. The pancake had to be flipped three times halfway through each leg of the race and at each changeover the girls had to put on an apron and hat.

The winning house, Milroy, was presented with a special trophy by Kingsley’s head teacher Heather Owens.