Latest Episode in air ambulance fundraising

The Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance was hosting its annual fundraiser, the Ladies Afternoon Tea Party, at the Episode Hotel in Leamington on Friday. Pictured with committee members is Andrew Coe (Consultant Paeditrician).
MHLC-27-09-13 Ladies afternoon Sep73The Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance was hosting its annual fundraiser, the Ladies Afternoon Tea Party, at the Episode Hotel in Leamington on Friday. Pictured with committee members is Andrew Coe (Consultant Paeditrician).
MHLC-27-09-13 Ladies afternoon Sep73
The Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance was hosting its annual fundraiser, the Ladies Afternoon Tea Party, at the Episode Hotel in Leamington on Friday. Pictured with committee members is Andrew Coe (Consultant Paeditrician). MHLC-27-09-13 Ladies afternoon Sep73
Seventy guests raised £4,791 for the Children’s Air Ambulance at an afternoon tea, auction, raffle and live entertainment at the Episode Hotel in Leamington.

The national charity is based at Coventry Airport in Baginton alongside the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance and is aiming to raise £42,000 this year. Pictured with committee members at the Episode is consultant paediatrician Andrew Coe.