More needs to be done to stop speeding on Kenilworth road, claims resident

A section of Dalehouse Lane. Copyright: Google Street ViewA section of Dalehouse Lane. Copyright: Google Street View
A section of Dalehouse Lane. Copyright: Google Street View
A Kenilworth road is a '˜poor relation' to others when it comes to measures to stop speeding drivers, one of its residents has claimed.

Adriano Towle, who has lived in Dalehouse Lane for the last 27 years, has had enough of drivers speeding through the road, especially when other areas of Kenilworth and Burton Green have had measures such as advisory speed signs put in place.

A vote on policing priorities for Kenilworth taken last year identified speeding on Dalehouse Lane as a concern for many people.

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Speeding checks in the 30mph section of Dalehouse Lane were later conducted by the Kenilworth Safer Neighbourhood Team and issued 25 tickets, but Adriano thinks not enough has been done to stop speeding on the road since then.

He said: “We’re the poor relation. The council have got funding for Birches Lane, Windy Arbour, and in Burton Green. They can do it for them but not in this area?

“The volume of traffic through Kenilworth has increased - you can’t do anything about that, but it’s the speed of some idiots that’s the problem. A lot of them are locals.

“I’m worried about someone getting killed. I’ve been waiting and waiting for something to be done.”

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Adriano said something he would be happy with something as basic as installing more 30mph signs, which he said would deter more casual speeders.

His concerns also come after the county council agreed to install speed humps down Leyes Lane to combat speeding, at an estimated cost of £85,000.

Warwickshire County Council has been contacted for comment.