Council tax scam warning for people in Warwick district

Warwick District Council NNL-141013-125646001Warwick District Council NNL-141013-125646001
Warwick District Council NNL-141013-125646001
Residents could fall foul of dishonest individuals and companies operating in the district as part of a council tax scam, Warwick District Council has warned.

Scammers may telephone or appear at people’s front doors using a variety of tactics to obtain money.

Tactics identified so far include charging an up-front fee in order to challenge your council tax banding and insisting you are definitely in the wrong band, when in fact your band is correct, aying they are from the local council or valuation office and asking for your bank details so they can provide a refund. You may then find that money is taken from your account, claiming that the valuation office charges you to challenge your band when you can do this for free and claiming that you must, by law, be represented by an agent to challenge your band when in fact anyone can do this.

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Cllr Andrew Mobbs, leader of Warwick District Council, said: “We are very concerned to hear that residents may have fallen victim to scammers in the area and we are urging everyone to be vigilant when speaking to unannounced callers.

“Your local valuation office can help identify and confirm any discrepancies with your council tax free of charge and you should never be asked for money over the phone or at your front door. Always ask for identification from any cold callers and never give out your bank details unless you are sure who you are dealing with.”

Anybody who thinks they may have fallen victim to a scammer, they should contact their Trading Standards Services.

If a cold caller refuses to leave your home then contact the police.

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